GSpeakers documentation

The Current Crossover window

This window shows the parts in the crossover currently selected in the crossover history window.

The current crossover window

Howto use the current crossover window

In this window you can see the values of the different components used in the currently selected filter. You can also change the value of a specific component. To change the value of a component, click on the corresponding cell and it will become editable. To change the unit click on the unit cell. Note: The unit must be a valid SPICE unit, such as m, u, n, p, k, meg... (see SPICE manual for furhter information on this topic).

The fields in the table

Idstring: This is the identifier for a component.
Id: This is the id number associated with a specific part. This is used for debugging purpose and will be removed in future versions of GSpeakers.
Type: This is the type of component:
Capacitor: 1
Inductor: 2
Resistor: 3

Value: This is the part value. To edit the value, click on the cell and the value will become editable. The value must be a valid floating point number or else it will be set to the default value for the C++ istringstream operator which I think is 0.0. If the part value is set to 0.0 the program might not work properly.
Unit: This is the unit which corresponds to the value. For example: if value=0.2 and unit=mH it could also be be value=200 and unit=uH. Note that unit must be a valid SPICE unit, such as m, u, n, p, k, meg... (see a SPICE manual for furhter information on this topic). To edit the unit, just click on the cell and it will become editable.
Daniel Sundberg, dss at home dot se